I was wondering:
How does POV-Ray know where to continue a trace?
I've looked through the rerun INIs and the pvengine.ini,
but to no avail. Does POV-Ray just look at the image
already traced, or what?
I'm just wondering because I have a major trace going
on, and wanted to use a second instance of POV to
work on some other stuff. But if I cannot get POV
to afterwords continue the major trace (cause I
reboot every now and then to clean the RAM and
SWAP-File) for sure, the risk is to high.
I'm not sure, Thorsten, Christoph? Anybody know
how to make sure it will work (like copying a bunch
of files, which I later replace), or does POV save the
Data somewhere only when the trace is being ended?
Ah, just a bunch of questions. I'll just hope that someone
can give me a working example, I don't want to ruin
anything, because the major trace is under time-pressure...
Tim Nikias
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights/index.html
Email: Tim### [at] gmxde
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